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Online Shows

Summer 2024
Four Artists’ Unique Insights
Found in Ten New One–of–a–kind Drawings
Winter 2019
Inuit Survival Techniques and Fauna of the Arctic
Featured are ten previously unreleased drawings
by Kananginak Pootoogook.
Inuit Survival Techniques and Fauna of the Arctic
Fall 2015 - Winter 2016
Contemporary Inuit Drawings with Symbolic Meanings

Spring - Summer 2015
The Flexible Polar Bear
Sculptures by Inuit Artists
Contemporary Inuit Drawings with Symbolic Meanings
Spring - Summer 2015
The Flexible Polar Bear
Sculptures by Inuit Artists

Winter - Spring 2015
Scenes of Life in 19th-Century Charlevoix
Online Exhibition-Sale of China Ink Paintings
Fall 2014 - Winter 2015
The Fascinating Meanings of the Inukshuk
Online Exhibition-Sale of Inuit Sculptures

- Summer 2014 -
China Ink Paintings on Canvas by Marc Tremblay
The first eight China ink paintings are based on photographs from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. These finely rendered works bring to life scenes of historical value and social reality in the Charlevoix region, renowned for its picturesque landscape.

- Spring 2014 -
Original Prints and One-of-a-kind Drawings:
Forty Years of Creativity from Cape Dorset
1974 - 2013
Plunge into the world of Inuit artworks on paper, presented in over
150 fascinating original prints and one-of-a-kind drawings.
Trace the development of this art form, from the early creative days in the Cape Dorset print shop until today. Admire the natural artistry of the nomadic Inuit people - who transferred their ingenious survival skills to a sincere creativity on paper. Be touched pleasantly and surprisingly by the individuality, imagination, freedom of expression and joy of life that are felt throughout these works.
Kenojuak about herself:
"I will tell about the time of my birth. I remember trying to get out towards the light... Listening to the wild birds while fishing is just beautiful. It's a wonderful feeling to start leaving camp to go fishing, and I think that all Inuit feel that way."
Kenojuak Ashevak on Pitseolak Ashoona:
"As I would visit with her, she made a lot of different drawings as well as carvings. I would always be amazed at her abilities as I watched... would enjoy going over to Pitseolak's."
Lucy Qinnuayuak about herself:
"When I started drawing... if I heard somebody coming into my tent, I would just put my drawings away, because I was shy.... When I heard that people like my drawings, I can really feel it inside me -- it pleases me."
Napachie Pootoogook about herself:
"I was born in 1938. My first recollections are of the time we left our camp and went to Nettilling Lake... Even though it was very hard when we grew up, I am glad to be alive, glad that my mother (Pitseolak Ashooona) brought me up. I want to thank the Inuit who help those in need with food, without charging for it. They do these things, but we have heard that is not the way it is in the South. The southern people in our community today are helping the Inuit by having them make carvings and drawings."
from Inuit Women Artists
Edited by Odette Leroux, Marion E. Jackson and Minnie Aodla Freeman,
pp. 46, 73, 95, 98, 135, 136